It is suggested that, in the beginning of the semester, instructors make a verbal announcement such as the one listed below:
“Penn State University welcomes students with disabilities into the University's educational programs. If anyone in this course has a disability, please contact Jordan Rummel at the Office for Student Disability Resources located in 244 Swift Building, [email protected], or call 814-372-3037. If you have further questions regarding this announcement, please make an appointment during my office hours.”
Another suggestion is to put a general statement in the course syllabus. The suggested OSDR Course Syllabus Statement is as follows:
Syllabus Statement
Note to Students with Disabilities
Penn State DuBois welcomes students with disabilities into the University’s educational programs. If you have a disability-related need for modifications or reasonable accommodations in this course, please contact The Office for Student Disability Resources, Jordan Rummel, 244 Swift Building, [email protected] or 814-372-3037.
For further information regarding the Office for Student Disability Resources, visit their web site at Instructors should be notified as early in the semester as possible regarding the need for modification or reasonable accommodations.